Those of you who know about my recent bout of illness might being wondering how that is going. Weeeell, I wish I could say that the medicine worked instantly and that I am marvelously all better, however, reality has a way of bursting that bubble. In view of some lingering symptoms we are guessing that the medicine either hasn't built up in my system yet or the dosage needs to be upped or both. Also, I am still learning to adjust to this body that is now mine and accept that it will probably never be the one I had just a year and a half ago. It requires me to deal with things I had hoped to put off for a good twenty or thirty years and that is frustrating for someone whose body has always be able to do what she's told it to and sometimes even more than she's asked of it. Don't worry though, it hasn't been a waste. As a teenager I have learned what very few do...that I am not invincible. And now that I have lived, if only for a short time, with a body that felt (and was in many respects) about forty years older than it should have been, I appreciate every step I take that brings me closer to being nineteen again. It is true that you rarely know what a good thing you have until it is gone. If any of you can run, jump, play sports, exercise, breathe, feel your heart beat steadily, have a pillow fight, drive a car, walk in the woods, climb stairs, go a day without taking a pill... then thank God for it. Ok, I've finished my melodramatic sermon. Hey, I'm entitled to one every now and then.
On a completely different topic...I must admit that very pathetically I haven't been able to give anyone a satisfactory answer as to who my candidate is for this election. Honestly I don't have an opinion that I can call my own at this point. I've tried to refrain from discussing it since I haven't done my research yet. I do plan on voting this November, but I don't plan on making a decision before I have carefully looked at all of my options. At this time, I'd only be parroting the opinions of my family and that doesn't allow for intelligent conversation. So, for those who have asked, please be patient with me and I will be happy to share my opinions with you when they actually have some substance behind them.
As to what I have been doing on my break....nothing. Or almost nothing. I didn't really expect it to be productive but I was hoping I might have something to show for it. Sadly enough I really don't think I do. I have gotten to hang out with some great people and had a lot of fun with them. I've even read a book or two and started a load more. People keep telling me I deserve to be lazy for a while (my body has a way of agreeing with them) but laziness just doesn't sit well with me. I'm going to get too used to it and next week the craziness ensues once more. If I can get past my dread of new professors, harder classes, and sleep deprivation, then I am really looking forward to being at Gordon again. The challenges scare me but I know that the grace of God will get me through the next four months just as he got me through the last four. I absolutely loved my last semester and I'm very proud of what I accomplished. Hopefully I can say the same come the end of May.
I'll leave you with this picture of my (mostly) adorable girls. If only they could be this cute all of the time....
Ooh sweet, a Lyndsi update! This day will go down in history!
Wow, I don't think I realized the limitations of your recovery. I didn't even realize you had so many lingering symptoms- you always look so fine. :( I'm sorry about that... I pray that that the serious thyroid kicking that the treatment is supposed to do starts happening soon.
You've certainly earned your melodramatic sermon warrant. I don't fault you for it. :)
Hey, on the one hand, its kind of a pity you were out of the loop for this primary election, but on the other- uhhm, yeah you had a few things to deal with! LOL, its understandable. Also- respect you more for admitting you haven't researched enough to have your own informed opinion then I would if you just tried to spit out an opinion for opinions sake. Hopefully by November, I can get to talk to you about the discuss the election with you.
Hey, at least you have a really late night and a stomach sore from laughing to show for it. ;) Its more then some can say...
I guess it makes sense that the classes will get harder, but I'm pretty sure you'll meet the challenges and probably even enjoy taking some of them on. New professors? Any particularly scary ones or anything?
Those dogs crack me up. Is there ever a time they get used to someone coming over and stop barking each time they show up, or am I just that scary?
Actually there is one particularly intimidating professor. He is supposed to be teaching the first class for my English major and last year he accused several freshman of plagiarism. I guess he wasn't that great in the classroom either. There was no one else I could take the class with so I decided to just get it over with.
No, you really aren't that scary. Sorry to disappoint you. :) In fact, you should see the fit Rori has when Mr. Fenton shows up. She acts like he is the most horrible creature on earth. When I come home on the weekends, they all about turn themselves inside out too. If you ask me they do it just for the thrill.
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