Thursday, June 29, 2006
I went online today to check my SAT scores and if I'm reading them correctly I got a 1970!!!!! A perfect is a 2400. My essay was one point away from perfect. I'm beyond excited and have been bouncing off the walls and squealing for the last half hour. Test scores are probably no big deal to a lot of people but it was really important to me that I be able to prove that I could do really good in school. That score is good enough to get me into an Ivy League school which is something I've only dreamed about. Even if I don't go there it's a nice thought to know that I could. The funny thing is my worst score is usually my math but I did the best in that subject. I am constantly amazed at how God sees the deepest desires of your heart and gives them to you in the most unexpected ways.
Monday, June 26, 2006
The engagement of Sharon Litchfield to Justin Hall on the 25th day of June 2006. Yes, that's right my friend is getting married. I can't wrap my mind around it at the moment. Sometimes the hardest lessons are the ones we are not expecting to learn. She has asked me to be her maid of honor and that generous gift has left me humbled. Perhaps it is I who am not ready for this; I feel too young.
Monday, June 19, 2006
Life is Good....
Saturday, June 17, 2006

Meet Invisigirl

It's amazing how someone can know your name and who you are, but other than that you are totally invisible to them even if they see you ever single week. That seems to be my speciality. I don't like being invisible. I wish the people I wanted to would see me. My brother says it is a state of mind and maybe he's right. But if it is, how do you change that? Still, I wish.....
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Yes, that's right, I finished school for the summer. Well.....except for my mile long reading list, but I can live with that. So now (hopefully) comes all the stuff I have wanted to do like get together with my friends, go bike riding, swimming, camping, and a whole manner of other things. Wow, only one year left......not something I am fond of contemplating. How time flies. Perhaps it will do me the favor of slowing down...just for a summer. Ok enough of that. Here's to the best summer I've had in many a year, maybe the best one ever.
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Ambidextrous: Are you biased?
The Latin prefix ambi- means "both" and appears in several English words. An ambiguous statement is one that can be taken two ways. Ambivalence is the inability to decide which of two possible courses to follow. This prefix also combines with the Latin dexter, "right," to form ambidextrous. It is an example of the prejudice against left-handedness since it assumes that it is an ambidextrous person's left hand that measures up to the facility of the right. One could just as well call a person equally skillful with both hands ambisinstrous, from the Latin sinister, "left," thus suggesting that it is the right hand that is as skillful as the left. This latter root is still another example of the historical bias against, or in this case fear of, left-handedness. A sinister person by today's definition is one who is bad, wicked, or evil.
Pygmalion Premiere
My parents have ordered the video of Pygmalion which should hopefully arrive sometime this month. I know some who wanted to come see it weren't able to, so if you would like a private viewing let me know and we'll see what we can do. I'll attempt to post some pictures of the play soon.
WARNING: Images may contain graphic depictions of 19th century dress. Owner is not responsible for any permanent damage to sense of style.
WARNING: Images may contain graphic depictions of 19th century dress. Owner is not responsible for any permanent damage to sense of style.
Saturday, June 03, 2006
Happy Birthday Emma!

Try Solving This One
Read the following SAT test question, then click on a button to select your answer.
- ƒ(2n) = 2ƒ(n) for all integers n
- ƒ(4) = 4
If ƒ is a function defined for all positive integers n, and ƒ satisfies the two conditions above, which of the following could be the definition of ƒ?
Yes, I spent my Saturday morning locked inside Nashua High North for four hours taking the incredibley boring SATs. For the past month I have been cramming my brain full of information and now I await my fate...I mean score. I plan on avoiding a second round at all costs. A little advice for those who are still looking forward to their turn: Bring a book or something to do because if you finish early staring at the clock and watching the seconds tick by is not entertaining. Don't leave your cell phone on, they tend to frown on that. And don't forget to sharpen your pencils...not good. Last but not least, don't get nervous! I didn't so I can honestly tell you there isn't anything to be nervous about. Good luck!
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