Thursday, October 26, 2006

Bad Movies

You know how when you watch a bad movie everything horrible in it just seems to stick in your head and the only cure is to immediately follow it with something good and wholesome? That happened tonight and thankfully the sweet has overcome the bitter. The story of Little Women is timeless and if ever I was forced to pick a favorite book I would have to choose that. There is something about it that still touches my heart even after I've read it for the tenth time. When a book can make you cry every time you read it then it has done its job.

P.S. I finished my first ever short story. More amazing is that it was to my satisfaction. I've only shown it to three people but their response was well worth the risk. It is only a small accomplishment, but there is hope I may be a writer yet.


Anonymous said...

"We'll be coming round the mountain when we come..."

Anonymous said...

Do I get to read it?


Anonymous said...

I was wondering if I could read your short story? In return I will let you read one of my adolescent short stories. Like THE BREAKFAST FRENZY!!! That one was a doozy. If you don't want to that is fine.